
IT - Tracking Physical Assets and improving software metering
There is an old adage says that a picture is worth a thousand words. I take that motto to heart. Years ago I had the idea that I wanted to display the physical locations of objects on a topographical...
Project Update - Whole Home Generator
It’s been a busy time lately. Lots of personal matters that have had my attention, but I have started to continue to progress on building backup power for our home. Between Icestorm outages in...
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My Love of Comics
Greetings Everyone.  I am a follower of all things Marvel as many of you are. I think I must have started when I was barely out of diapers with the Sunday newspaper and seeing Spider-Man in it. ...
Finished AWS Developer Associate Training (It is a beast)
Phew. I spent the past couple of weeks in an AWS Developer Associate training session and let me just say that it was easy and hard at the same time. The concepts and what you are doing are fairly straightforward,...
update, software, app
Python Code Using Marvel Comics – Part 8
Shew. Big update. I continued working on adding additional features and improving the Marvel Ultimate Character Generator. 2,865 lines of code. Almost 3k. If this was a book with 25 lines per page...